Warfare, Terrorism & Hazmat

National Grand Rounds - February 2025
Warfare and Medical Workers: Ukraine War 2022-2023

National Grand Rounds - October 2023
CBRNE Education in Ukraine

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 47
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

National Case Conference - January 2023
1. A 56-year-old man with a history of diabetes, hypertension, severe restrictive lung disease secondary to covid pneumonia presents with one day of fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, dry cough, and hypoxia (79% at home pulse oximetry). Patient states the symptoms began acutely, two hours after getting home from work the day prior. He reports that a few other co-workers have similar symptoms as him or they have nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. He thinks a virus is going around his workplace. 2. A 51-year-old man presents with a diffuse rash over the past 6 days that developed after he ingested a product for sexual stimulation called “royal honey” that he obtained at a local shop. His VS are normal and he is in no distress. 3. A 2-year-old girl is extracted from underneath debris from a structural fire; she was found covered in soot and is pulseless. CPR is initiated and ROSCis achieved within minutes. She arrives to the ED with the following vital signs: BP, 95/58; HR, 130; RR, 28; SaO2, 100% on NRB; T, 98.6F. She is only responsive to pain and is promptly intubated.

Chemical and Traumatic Crowd Control Injuries - On-Demand

Agents of Warfare/Terrorism
Presented by Shaun D. Carstairs, MD, FACMT 98point6 Inc., Scripps Healthcare San Diego, University of California, San Diego

Tox is Calling Me: Episode 3
Special Edition: Preparedness for a Possible Radiation Emergency

National Journal Club - July 2021
This month's topic is Pepper Spray and Tear Gas Agents. The articles will be reviewed by the University of Virginia Program in Medical Toxicology, led by Program Director Heather Borek.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 14
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 10
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

Presented by Alicia Minns, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, UCSD.
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