Inhalational Toxins

Tox Boot Camp | #ACMT2025
April 3, 2025

2025 ACMT-EAPCCT Transatlantic Toxicology Talks Series | Treatment for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Treatment

National Case Conference - January 2025
Perils of the Unexpected: Toxic Encounters in Animals, Industry, and the Environment

National Journal Club - January 2025
Carbon Monoxide

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 50
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

Addiction Toxicology Case Conference - May 2023
Safe Consumption/OD Prevention Sites Field Work and Perspectives

National Case Conference - January 2023
1. A 56-year-old man with a history of diabetes, hypertension, severe restrictive lung disease secondary to covid pneumonia presents with one day of fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, dry cough, and hypoxia (79% at home pulse oximetry). Patient states the symptoms began acutely, two hours after getting home from work the day prior. He reports that a few other co-workers have similar symptoms as him or they have nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. He thinks a virus is going around his workplace. 2. A 51-year-old man presents with a diffuse rash over the past 6 days that developed after he ingested a product for sexual stimulation called “royal honey” that he obtained at a local shop. His VS are normal and he is in no distress. 3. A 2-year-old girl is extracted from underneath debris from a structural fire; she was found covered in soot and is pulseless. CPR is initiated and ROSCis achieved within minutes. She arrives to the ED with the following vital signs: BP, 95/58; HR, 130; RR, 28; SaO2, 100% on NRB; T, 98.6F. She is only responsive to pain and is promptly intubated.

Chemical and Traumatic Crowd Control Injuries - On-Demand

Early Life Exposure to Air Pollution and Child Health
This webinar was originally presented on September 15, 2021. Air pollution is one of the most encountered environmental hazards in early life.

National Journal Club - July 2021
This month's topic is Pepper Spray and Tear Gas Agents. The articles will be reviewed by the University of Virginia Program in Medical Toxicology, led by Program Director Heather Borek.

National Journal Club - January 2021
This month's topic is Burn Patients: The Oxalate Nephropathy and Hydroxocobalamin Debate. The articles will be reviewed by the DO and the Lehigh Valley Health Network, led by Dr. Robert Cannon.

Presented by John W. Downs, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM, Chief, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 12
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

Healthy Air, Healthy Brains: Emerging Evidence Streams and Advancing Air Pollution Policy to Protect Children's Health and Project TENDR Overview
This Grand Rounds webinar was originally presented on June 12, 2019. This webinar is part of an ongoing series of educational presentations by experts on issues that focus on current and emerging aspects of pediatric and reproductive environmental health.

PEHSU Annual Meeting: Air Quality, TENDR, and PEHSUs
The presentations focus on the impact of environmental exposures to chemicals on human health at the vulnerable stages of in utero and pediatric development.

Public Health Response to Wildfire Smoke
This Grand Rounds webinar was originally presented on April 17, 2019. This webinar is part of an ongoing series of education presentations by experts on issues that focus on current and emerging aspects of pediatric and reproductive environmental health.

Air Pollution
Presented by Robert G. Hendrickson, MD, FACMT, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health and Sciences University.
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