
National Grand Rounds - April 2025
Understanding FDA Warnings: Cardiac Risks of Lamotrigine

Management of Patients with Cardiac Glycoside Toxicity
This course provides physicians, advanced care practitioners, students, and nurses with an approach to managing a patient with cardiac glycoside toxicity.

National Case Conference - March 2024
1. A 50-year-old woman presents to the ED with fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting and the following vital signs: BP, 95/65 mmHg; HR, 35/min (sinus). An inpatient workup is unrevealing and she improves clinically, but returns 2 days after discharge with chest pain, shortness of breath and allodynia of the hands. Her husband had a similar presentation 1 week prior to the first visit. 2. A 60-year-old man with a past medical history of obesity presents to the ED after ingesting a month's worth of his diltiazem and metoprolol. 3. A 26-year-old man is brought to the ED intubated after being found obtunded at home. Three days later, he is extubated and is noted to have auditory hallucinations.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 53
Bridging the Gap - Bupropion Cardiotoxicity

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 52
Opioids and Cardiac Repolarization

National Case Conference - December 2023
1. A 16-year-old girl presents to the ED after overdosing on medications she takes for rheumatoid arthritis. In the ED she has lightheadedness and runs of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. 2. A 22-year-old man presents to the ED from prison after swallowing 50 bags of heroin and ten tablets of ecstasy. One hour after the ingestion, he is found unresponsive in his cell and requires naloxone. 3. A 66-year-old man presents to the ED with bilateral hand pain. He reports that earlier the same day he was cleaning coins at his home.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 50
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

National Case Conference - October 2023
1. Two individuals separately purchase the same health supplement online. After the first use, they both presented to the hospital after reading the accompanying information. 2. A 49-year-old woman with pulmonary hypertension and AUD presents to the ED after a suicide attempt with her sildenafil and ambrisentan. 3. A 28-year-old man presents to the hospital for shortness of breath. He develops progressive hypoxia requiring high flow nasal cannula and his chest imaging is remarkable for diffuse ground glass opacities.

National Case Conference - September 2023
1. A 52-year-old woman with a complex past medical history presents to the ED for altered mental status and seizure-like activity. During her hospitalization, she has several cardiac arrests. 2. A 64-year-old man presents with multiple self-inflicted stab wounds, shock, and a possible history of ingestion. He is taken emergently to the operating room, where he develops persistent metabolic acidosis and has a brief cardiac arrest. 3. A 40-year-old male bodybuilder with a history of palpitations presents to the ED in respiratory distress with tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, and hypoxia.

Addiction Toxicology Case Conference - February 2023
Buprenorphine & Methadone Protocols from the Toxicology Team in Detroit

National Case Conference - April 2022
1. A 15-year-old boy, admitted for toxic encephalopathy after a polypharmacy ingestion, develops recurrence of symptoms after complete resolution.
2. An 11-year-old girl is admitted with arthralgia, morbilliform rash, and severe headache unresponsive to typical analgesics. She has difficult to control hypertension and has a seizure. Other family members also developed a similar rash.
3. A 42-year-old man with a history of chronic LBP is found by EMS to have ventricular tachycardia, for which he received IV lidocaine. After conversion, his vital signs are: BP,144/76; HR,44; RR, 20; O2, 96%; Temp, 98.2

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 34
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

National Grand Rounds - December 2021
Cardiac Glycosides Poisoning : How to Optimize Digoxin Antibody Use?

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 22
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 18
ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit toxinten.com and follow on Twitter @toxinten.
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