To ensure a clear understanding for all participants of ACMT events, we present the Attendee Code of Conduct below. Kindly be aware that your registration, purchase, and attendance at any ACMT event imply your acceptance and adherence to these outlined agreements. If you would like to view our Cancellation policy, please visit our Registration Info menu tab.
For any inquiries or issues, feel free to reach out to us at events@acmt.net.
Events Code of Conduct
The American College of Medical Toxicology (“ACMT”) is dedicated to safe and enjoyable event experiences for all attendees. All participants, including but not limited to staff, affiliate staff, speakers, officers, directors, committee chairs and members, other volunteers, sponsors and other attendees, are expected to adhere to this Events Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”). This Code of Conduct applies to all ACMT activities, including in-person and virtual events.
Expected Behavior at ACMT Meetings and Events
- Treat all participants with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
- Communicate openly and collaboratively, with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.
- Avoid any personal attacks directed toward other participants.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert ACMT staff if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
- Adhere to the rules and policies of the meeting venue, hotel, ACMT contracted facility, or any other venue. This includes adhering to smoke-free policies and
- Do not record virtual or in person meetings or share documents or links without express permission from ACMT staff.
Unacceptable Behavior at ACMT Meetings and Events
Harassment and Discrimination
ACMT has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment, by participants at ACMT events. This includes:
- Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination of any form.
- Physical or verbal abuse of any attendee, staff member, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, hosting event staff, or other meeting guest.
- Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to, comments (including jokes) related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion or national origin, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or deliberate intimidation, unwanted photography/recording, threatening, or stalking of any attendee, staff member, speaker, volunteer, sponsor, hosting event staff or other meeting guest.
Disruption of Presentations
Disruption of presentations during sessions, in the exhibit hall, or at other events organized by ACMT throughout the event. All Participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator and any ACMT staff.
Property Damage
Any attendee who causes property damage, including but not limited to personal property and event space damage, shall be responsible to pay repair or replacement costs for such damage.
Unauthorized Promotion
Presentations, postings, and messages should not contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers, product announcements, or solicitation for services. ACMT reserves the right to remove such messages and potentially ban sources of those solicitations.
Drug & Alcohol Use
Recognizing the fact that marijuana use is now legal under the law of numerous states, ACMT expects the use of such substance(s) to conform with local and state law.
At many ACMT events, alcoholic beverages are served. ACMT expects participants at its events to drink responsibly. ACMT reserves the right to deny service to participants for any reason, and may require a participant to leave the event.
To the extent consistent with and permitted by applicable law, the ACMT does not permit the possession of firearms or other weapons at any ACMT event.
Enforcement & Reporting
- Participants who are asked to cease any behavior(s) contrary to this Code of Conduct are expected to comply immediately.
- ACMT reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary, including immediate removal from the event without warning or refund, in response to any incident of behavior deemed inappropriate under this Code of Conduct; ACMT reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting by any individual found to have acted in violation of this Code of Conduct.
- Persons experiencing harassment or hearing of any incidents of unacceptable behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct are asked to contact an ACMT staff member and ask for the Executive Director.
- ACMT has no power whatsoever to prevent any person accused of unlawful or improper behavior who believes such action has caused him or her legal harm from instituting legal action against the person he or she believes has caused the harm.
Staff Procedures
1. Any member of staff is authorized to issue a verbal warning to an event participant that such person’s behavior violates this Code of Conduct. Warnings should be reported to the Executive Director as soon as possible thereafter and should include: identifying information (name of participant), time the warning was issued, behavior that was in violation, approximate time of behavior (if at a different time than the warning), circumstances surrounding the incident, and other people involved in the incident (including witnesses, if any). Verbal or oral warnings and reports should be reduced to writing as soon as practicable after their occurrence.
2. Reporting
i. When taking a personal report, staff should find a space that is safe and that cannot be overheard. It is recommended that one other staff member or ACMT senior manager be present as a witness to the report. Staff will not ask the complainant to confront anyone, and, to the extent possible, the complainant’s identity will remain known only to the ACMT representatives receiving the report. However, ACMT may not be able to guarantee confidentiality or anonymity to a complainant or witness.
ii. If at all possible, staff should also interview any witnesses and, depending upon the circumstances of the alleged inappropriate conduct and subject to the decision of the Executive Director, give the accused an opportunity to respond to the complaint.
3. Presentations
a. Presentations or similar events should not be interrupted for one-time inappropriate statements made by a presenter, although a staff member should speak to the presenter afterwards regarding the impropriety of any statements made. ACMT staff should take immediate action to politely and calmly stop any presentation or event that repeatedly (two or more occasions) or seriously violates this Code of Conduct.
4. Expulsion
a. A participant may be asked to leave an ACMT event for any of the following:
i. A second violation of the Code of Conduct, resulting in a warning from staff;
ii. Continuation of the offensive behavior after being directed to cease inappropriate conduct;
iii. A pattern (two or more incidents) of offensive behavior, with or without warnings; or
iv. A single serious or intentional offense (e.g. punching, groping, exposing oneself to another, use of hate speech or speech tending to incite violence).
Date of Adoption: 09/29/2023
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You have been fully informed of your expected code of conduct before participating in an ACMT event.