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National Grand Rounds - June 2024
Alphabet Soup of Regulatory Toxicology
ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 55
X-Factor - Xylazine
Asthma Ready Communities Education Series
The Asthma Ready Communities modules cover six main topics relevant to understanding and managing asthma.
Healthy Housing and Home Assessment Principles Education Series
An 8-module education series sponsored by the Mid-America Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, or PEHSU, located at Children's Mercy in Kansas City.
ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 54
The PFAS Epidemic
National Grand Rounds - February 2024
Mechanisms of Toxicity of Methylmercury
Medical Toxicology in Industry Webinar: Occupational and Environmental Regulatory Toxicology
Sponsored by MTF and Bayer
National Grand Rounds - June 2023
Sporadic ALS: Search for Environmental Etiology
National Grand Rounds - May 2023
Jet Fuel in the Drinking Water in Hawaii: An Environmental Health Catastrophe
National Case Conference - March 2023
1. A 22-year-old, 32-week pregnant woman presents to the ED after an intentional ingestion of an insecticide called "Sniper." Her initial vital signs are: BP, 126/78 mmHg; HR, 96/min; RR, 26/min; T, 98.9F; O2 Sat, 98% (RA). She has increased salivation per the treating physician. 2. A 16-year-old girl presents with a presumed pseudoephedrine overdose. Her vital signs are HR 137, BP 198/158, RR 30, T 36.7. After an observation period of 5 days she has not improved. 3. A 39-year-old man is transferred from a treatment center to the ED for opioid withdrawal and intractable vomiting Several hours after arrival at the treatment center that morning, he developed worsening opioid withdrawal for which he received methadone (30mg) but immediately vomited and became "shaky." His initial vital signs are: BP, 153/95 mmHg; P, 83/min; RR, 22/min; T, 99 F; Sp02, 96%
Chemical and Traumatic Crowd Control Injuries - On-Demand
The Changing Climate and Children’s Health
Changing Climate and Children's Health provides an overview of climate change identifying important details that impact the health of patients. This course also provides abundant resources for patients, as well as what you can do to prepare your clinic for extreme weather events.
National Case Conference - October 2022
1. A 52-year-old man presents to the ED drowsy and diaphoretic after unintentional overdose of a prescription medicine he used to treat a sore throat. 2. A 51-year-old woman presents to the ED after waking up blind after attempting suicide the night before. 3. A 26-year-old woman presents with left hand pain and swelling after an animal bite.
Prenatal Environmental Influences on Fetal Growth and Development
This webinar was originally presented on November 17, 2021. Leslie Rubin, MD, FAAP presented a National PEHSU Grand Rounds webinar on prenatal environmental influences on fetal growth and development.
National Journal Club - November 2021
This month's topic is The Flint Lead Crisis. The articles will be reviewed by Wayne State University Toxicology Fellowship, led by Dr. Andrew King.
Climate, Justice, and Children's Health
Climate change can have social, economic, public health, and other adverse health impacts on communities and can worsen inequitable social conditions. Infants and children are especially vulnerable to adverse environmental health outcomes from climate change.
Chemical Carcinogenesis
Presented by David Vearrier, MD, MPH, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center.
National Grand Rounds - December 2020
Changing Toxicity of PM2.5 in a Period of Declining Concentrations: Examples from New York and California
IARC Monographs
Presented by Jonathan Ford, MD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Program Director, Medical Toxicology Fellowship, Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Medical Toxicology, University of California, Davis School of Medicine.
National Journal Club - January 2020
This month's topic is Levetiracetam and Toxicologically-Induced Seizures. The articles will be reviewed and led by the Toxikon Group.
National Grand Rounds - December 2019
Algal Toxins: Toxidromes, Molecular Mechanisms and Human Health Effects