
Addiction Toxicology Case Conference - June 2025
Pediatric Emergencies from Cannabinoid Exposure

National Case Conference - April 2025
Unexplained Hypoxia, Seizures, and Ingestion

Tox Boot Camp | #ACMT2025
April 3, 2025

National Case Conference - February 2025
Missed Diagnoses and Misleading Drugs

National Journal Club - September 2024
Protecting Pediatric Patients from Poisoning: Production, Packaging & Purpose

ACMT Youth SUD Symposium
Substance Use Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults

National Journal Club - January 2024
Clinical Cannabis Considerations in Children, Harvard Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program

National Grand Rounds - December 2023
Toxic Disasters in the Newborn! An Approach to the Problem

National Case Conference - July 2023
1. A 52-year-old man experiences cardiac arrest after an accident at a chemical plant. ROSC was obtained by EMS. He presents to the ED intubated and in a wide-complex tachycardia. 2. A 55-year-old man with a history of OUD, COPD, presents to ED in opioid withdrawal (COWS 17). Last use of opioid was 1 day earlier. He receives buprenorphine 32 mg over four hours. The patient becomes increasingly hypoxic throughout the night and is intubated for presumed pneumonia. 3. An 8-year-old boy presents after receiving “dipirona monoidratada” drops by his grandmother for fever. He is now complaining of abdominal pain.

National Case Conference - March 2023
1. A 22-year-old, 32-week pregnant woman presents to the ED after an intentional ingestion of an insecticide called "Sniper." Her initial vital signs are: BP, 126/78 mmHg; HR, 96/min; RR, 26/min; T, 98.9F; O2 Sat, 98% (RA). She has increased salivation per the treating physician. 2. A 16-year-old girl presents with a presumed pseudoephedrine overdose. Her vital signs are HR 137, BP 198/158, RR 30, T 36.7. After an observation period of 5 days she has not improved. 3. A 39-year-old man is transferred from a treatment center to the ED for opioid withdrawal and intractable vomiting Several hours after arrival at the treatment center that morning, he developed worsening opioid withdrawal for which he received methadone (30mg) but immediately vomited and became "shaky." His initial vital signs are: BP, 153/95 mmHg; P, 83/min; RR, 22/min; T, 99 F; Sp02, 96%

National Case Conference - February 2023
1. A 7-day-old boy in the NICU is receiving TPN and dopamine through a left forearm peripheral IV that is noted to have extravasated. This is suspected to have begun two 2 hours earlier. 2. A 30-year-old man is cleaning his saltwater tank when "something" gets in his eye. Four hours later he develops a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. 3. A 38-year-old woman on INH monotherapy for latent TB presents with RUQ abdominal pain. She is noted to have: AST 545, ALT 130, AlkPhos 156, nl bilirubin. A RUQ sonogram is negative.

National Case Conference - August 2022
1. A 66-year-old woman with sarcoidosis presents with dysphagia 4 days after receiving a medication to relieve her symptoms.
2. A 70-year-old woman with a history of anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma presents with shortness of breath for three days. She has a heart rate of 125/min, is tachypneic, and requires 4L nasal cannula to maintain her oxygen saturation.
3. A 7-year-old girl presents with one day of fever and a diffuse erythematous maculopapular rash sparing the palms and soles. VS: HR 145 bpm, BP 115/79 mm Hg, RR 28 b/min, SaO2 93% on RA, Temp 103.1F.

Effective Risk Communication in Pediatric Environmental Health
The goal of this activity is to enhance the knowledge of physicians and other healthcare providers about how to effectively communicate the health risks of environmental exposures in childhood.

Marijuana Use in Adolescent Populations
The goal of this course is to enhance the knowledge of physicians and other healthcare providers about marijuana perceptions and usage among the adolescent populations.

Marijuana Exposure in Pediatric Populations
The goal of this course is to enhance the knowledge of physicians and other healthcare providers about the health impacts of marijuana exposure among the pediatric population.

National Case Conference - November 2022
1. Three workers at a leather tanning facility collapse at work. Two recover upon removal from the room, one is intubated on the scene. Medical toxicology is consulted upon arrival to the emergency department. 2. A 23 month-old girl is found with a tablet of a weight loss supplement. She presents to the ED with vomiting and the following vital signs: BP, 114/86 mmHg; HR, 93/min; RR, 26/min; SaO2, 100% RA. 3. A 30-year-old man presents to the ED with 3 days of weight gain, swelling, and headache after taking a compounded pharmaceutical pill.

National Case Conference - May 2022
1. A 2-year-old child eats some midwinter buds and presents to the emergency department with nausea and vomiting.
2. A 59-year-old woman comes to the ED from an urgent care center with several days of hematuria and intermittent epistaxis. The bleeding does not resolve with oxymetazoline or nasal packing.
3. A 32-year-old woman with a history of diabetes and opioid use disorder develops sudden onset respiratory distress while awaiting placement into an inpatient treatment program.

Addiction Toxicology Case Conference - May 2022
Delta 8, Delta 10 and the 'Grey Market' of Cannabinoids

National Case Conference - April 2022
1. A 15-year-old boy, admitted for toxic encephalopathy after a polypharmacy ingestion, develops recurrence of symptoms after complete resolution.
2. An 11-year-old girl is admitted with arthralgia, morbilliform rash, and severe headache unresponsive to typical analgesics. She has difficult to control hypertension and has a seizure. Other family members also developed a similar rash.
3. A 42-year-old man with a history of chronic LBP is found by EMS to have ventricular tachycardia, for which he received IV lidocaine. After conversion, his vital signs are: BP,144/76; HR,44; RR, 20; O2, 96%; Temp, 98.2

National Case Conference - March 2022
1. A 62-year-old man and a 59-year-old woman present together with eye burning, conjunctival injection, and decreased visual acuity the morning after attending a family fish fry.
2. A toddler, found with a bottle of crafting material by their mother, presents with drooling and progressive oropharyngeal edema.
3. A 56-year-old man, found altered in his garage, now complains of sudden vision loss after a miscalculated ingestion.

National Journal Club - March 2022
This month's topic is Opioid Overdose and Naltrexone. The articles will be reviewed by the Washington University School of Medicine Program in Medical Toxicology, led by Dr. Evan Schwarz.
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