National Journal Club - January 2021
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Topic: Burn Patients: The Oxalate Nephropathy and Hydroxocobalamin Debate
Presented By: DO and the Lehigh Valley Health Network, led by Dr. Robert Cannon
- Legrand M, Michel T, Daudon M, et al: Risk of oxalate nephropathy with the use of cyanide antidote hydroxocobalamin in critically ill burn patients. Intensive Care Med 2016;42:1080-1081.
- Depret F, Hoffmann C, Daoud L, et al: Association between hydroxocobalamin administration and acute kidney injury after smoke inhalation: a multicenter retrospective study. Critical Care 2019;43:1-10.
- Buehner M, Pamplin J, Studer L, et al: Oxalate nephropathy after continuous infusion of high-dose vitamin C as an adjunct to burn resuscitation. J Burn Care Res 2016;37:e374-379.
- Lin WV, Turin CG, McCormick DW, et al: Ascorbic acid-induced oxalate nephropathy: a case report and discussion of pathologic mechanisms. 2019;8:67-70.
Series Moderator: Steven E. Aks, DO, FACEP, FACMT, Toxikon Consortium
About The Series: ACMT's National Journal Club (NJC) is a bimonthly member webinar hosted by a different fellowship program each session. All data and information provided in this activity is for informational purposes only. ACMT makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of the content and will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.
This webinar is for ACMT members only.