National Journal Club - January 2020

National Journal Club - January 2020

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Topic: Levetiracetam and Toxicologically-Induced Seizures
Presented By: Toxikon Group

  1. Lee T, Warrick BJ, Preeyapom S, et al: Levetiracetam in toxic seizures. Clin Toxicol 2018;56:175-181.
  2. Myhrer T, Enger S, Jonassen , et al: Enhanced efficacy of anticonvulsants when combined with levetiracetam in soman-exposed rats. Neurotoxicol 2011;32:923-930.
  3. Oliveira AA, Nogueira CRA, Nascimento VS, et al: Evaluation of levetiracetam effects on pilocarpine-induced seizures: Cholinergic muscarinic system involvement. Neurosci Let 2005;385:184-188.

Series Moderator: Steven E. Aks, DO, FACEP, FACMT, Toxikon Consortium

About The Series: ACMT's National Journal Club (NJC) is a bimonthly member webinar hosted by a different fellowship program each session. All data and information provided in this activity is for informational purposes only. ACMT makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of the content and will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.

This webinar is for ACMT members only.


National Journal Club - January 2020
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