ACMT Highlights Tox-in-Ten: Episode 60

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Family Involvement in Youth Substance Use Disorder Treatment

In this episode Dr. Gillian Beauchamp sits down with Dr. Kevin Wenzel, PhD to discuss the importance of family involvement including identifying substance use disorder, seeking treatment and providing support during treatment. 


Podcast Episode
Recorded 12/19/2024
Recorded 12/19/2024

ACMT members Gillian Beauchamp, MD, and Elizabeth (Elissa) Moore, DO deliver evidence-based medical toxicology core content and trending topics in easily digestible bites. Visit and follow on Twitter @toxinten.

Gillian Beauchamp, MD, FACMT, FASAM (Moderator)

Vice Chair, Education & Community Engagement

Lehigh Valley Health Network, USF Morsani College of Medicine, Jefferson Health

Gillian Beauchamp, MD, is Vice Chair for Education and Community Engagement in the Lehigh Valley Health Network Department of Emergency and Hospital Medicine & Division of Medical Toxicology. She is an Associate Professor at USF Morsani College of Medicine, and Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Jefferson University. She is board certified in Emergency Medicine, Medical Toxicology and Addiction Medicine. She is an Editorial board member for Toxicology Communications and a Reviews Section Editor and Editorial board member for the Journal of Medical Toxicology; and is co-host for the Tox in Ten: ACMT Highlights podcast.

Jonathan Jarry, MSc

Science Communicator

McGill Office for Science & Society

Jonathan Jarry is a science communicator with the McGill Office for Science and Society, dedicated to separating sense from nonsense on the scientific stage. He has a Master’s degree in molecular biology and he brings his experience in cancer research, human genetics, rehabilitation research, and forensic biology to the work he does for the public. He was the creator, writer, and host of the YouTube show Cracked Science, which used a late-night deep-dive format to debunk pseudoscience and denounce bad science. With cardiologist Dr. Christopher Labos, he co-hosts the award-winning medical podcast The Body of Evidence, which aims to contextualize findings in the realm of health research and answer the public's most pressing questions about the biomedical sciences while also being funny and entertaining. He talks about science every Friday on CTV Montreal News and is regularly interviewed in both English- and French-language media.