National Grand Rounds - April 2024
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Ethical Implications of Transplanting the Suicidal Patient
Presenter: Filza Hussain, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Medical Psychiatry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
About The Series: ACMT's Grand Rounds offer an in-depth and interactive platform for learning and discussion about issues that impact the research and practice of medical toxicology. Experts from within and outside medical toxicology will share their knowledge and experience and highlight areas for collaboration and mutual understanding.
This webinar is for ACMT members only.

Filza Hussain, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Stanford University
Dr. Filza Hussain is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Program Director for CL fellowship at Stanford University School of Medicine. She holds a Medical Degree from Aga Khan University in Pakistan and completed her residency training at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Dr. Hussain also completed a CL fellowship at Columbia University in New York. With a clinical focus on transplant psychiatry, Dr. Hussain serves as the liaison to the Liver and Kidney transplant programs at Stanford, in this capacity she meets with donors for evaluation, follows up with patients post transplant and is an active member of the transplant selection committee.